
to Check Your Baggage!

This is a place where you can work on your mental health by unpacking life’s baggage.

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Check Your Baggage is a space for those who have topics they'd like to share and discuss without fear of judgment, criticism or hate. Each submission is reviewed with care before becoming visible to the community to ensure no one ever receives negative words on their hardships. 

Because each submission is reviewed, they won’t be posted immediately. Please be patient as this will...

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New Hakuna Matata

"Hakuna Matata" is a Swahili phrase that gained international recognition largely thanks to its appearance in Disney's beloved animated film, "The Lion King." Translated to English, it means "no worries" or "no problems." The phrase encapsulates a carefree and relaxed attitude towards life, emphasizing living in the present moment and not allowing concerns or anxieties to overshadow one's happiness. Source: [url=https://hakunamatata2024.com]https://hakunamatata2024.com[/url]

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New 1 Year Sober.

I saw this category didn't have any conversations in it yet so I wanted to share that I recently made it a whole year sober. it was really emotional for me to look back and remember how impossible this felt to get to a year ago. the idea of it seemed like a joke. 


you can do it. you are strong. you can get here too. 😤

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New My sister has been acting strange and quiet

I may be being overly cautious, but my sister has been acting different lately. Really withdrawn and quiet. Shes in a new relationship and im worried that he's not treating her right or that maybe shes being mistreated im not sure or im being overly protective. but i dont know how to bring it up to her cause shes very shy about her personal life since we have gotten older. any advice would be very helpful i just want to make sure shes doing okay

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New Feeling stuck.

I feel really stuck with my job. I've been doing it for so long now but I feel like it hasnt been fulfilling in ages. And I'm kind of just going through the motions. It makes me sad cause I used to think so highly of it. But now I just kind of don't feel anything with it. Is that a form of depression? Or something else?

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New Feeling Alone and Disconnected

I got so used to staying home during covid that even now I hardly ever feel like leaving my house. It's not that I'm afraid of getting the virus. I've had covid already so that's not the reason. 

My friends will ask me to do stuff with them and I don't even want to. I sort of feel like a recluse and I don't understand what happened to me. I used to love to go out and socialize. It's almost as if being at home so long changed me. Now I almost feel isolated. 


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New Lack of focus

I struggle to find focus so much. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult about a year or so ago, and a lot of things make sense for me now looking back. 

I really struggle with focus. And I've tried so many things. From working out to healthy diet, and by far the worst solution I tried was medication. 

I'd love to hear if anyone has found anything that works for them, or if they struggle with anything like this too.

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